Book and folder

I chose to approach the theme of the Titanic in the way I see it, as a story that presents two main parts : narrative (the story itself) and analytical (machinery, schemes of the ship, analysis of the sinking, location of the wreck...), which both require special attention. I wanted the analytical items to set apart clearly from the narrative ones, in order to develop each part separately, without intruding on the other one.
Format : 270 x 230 mm
Content : 70 pages, 1 folder
​​​​​​​Paper : Sirio Stardust, Dark blue, 290g (Cover) – Materica Acqua, 120g (Band) 
– Daunendruck white, 100g (Inside)
Analytical parts 

Come as interleaves, in a smaller format (220 x 230 mm), at the beginning of each chapter.
– Below : the introductions of the 3 chapters, with their respective interleaves.

Format (closed) : 220 x 230
–––––  (opened) : 460 x 660 mm
Content : 3 schemas
Typography : Avenir Next condensed, ITC Berkeley Oldstyle
Paper : Pro Geo LC3, 85g

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